Source Themes

Using MAXQDA for Analyzing Documents- An Example of Prioritization Research Design in Urban Development

Prioritization Research Design (PRD) enabled us to examine urban development issues in a way that brought together globally-promoted principles, while considering local peculiarities..

Case Study Teaching, Principles and Methods

The aim of this manual is to enable interested teachers and university staff to implement a transdisciplinary (field) case study course, similar to those developed, tested, and integrated into the curriculum at Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU) and Tbilisi State University (TSU).

Has Traditional Georgian Hospitality Been Sustained Under Tourism Development? Evidence from the High-Mountain Regions of Georgia

The Greater Caucasus (Georgia) experiences new forms of hospitality, which ensures the development of authentic and sustainable services in tourism.

Geographic Patterns of Tourism in Urban Settlements of Georgia

Comprehensive analysis and interpretation of statistical data shows the extent to which the expansion of tourism industry in particular cities and regions benefited from the development of infrastructure projects while other cities and regions failed to receive such advantages.